Sunday, October 7, 2007

An Introduction

Hello, my name is Ken and I am married to my beautiful wife Kim for now 13 years. Throughout this blog I may be evasive on some locations and/or people as we realize several bloggers in the past have been "found out" and we would prefer this to be, at least semi-anonymous.

This blog, though mostly written by me, will often be overseen by Kim and she may post from time to time. Our intent of this blog is to educate others in how a 24/7 relationship like ours can exist in the real world and perhaps there is some slight exhibitionistic thrill at the same time.

Whereas I grew up in a very conservative family, Kim grew up in a more open environment. It was within my own conservative surrounding I first became aware of my submissive nature at the young age of 8. Kim says she has "always" known her dominant nature since she can remember. Kim was born here two months after her parents moved from Brazil and it has been my personal observation that Brazilian men put on a high degree of bravado in public, but once @ home it is a completely different ball game.

I am now in my early forties and she is now in her early-mid thirties. We met at a mutual friend's party and ended up having sex (will describe later) during the party. We were married about one year later and happily have a daughter and a son. Unlike some families that put on a good front, we are genuinely happy. Do we have problems and do the kids drive us crazy from time to time - certainly. Do Kim and I fight - never.

As we move forward we will be trying to play catch up for the total of 14 years we have been together and hope you enjoy the fun and wild journey we have been so fortunate to have experienced. Although there are many aspect to our lives, this blog will focus on the D & s aspects to our marriage.


Michael Jay and Judy Ann said...

Would like to see the additional rules attached to contract

Michael Jay and Judy Ann said...

Would like to see the additional rules attached to contract

Michael Jay and Judy Ann said...

Would like to see the additional rules attached to contract